We fled together from the distance that kept us away to return together. We got up early to get on that barge proof of cowards, so that in the middle of the sea, beyond where the headlights seduce, there would be no escape.The waves wave, the ups and downs, the past swings. We are rocked by the certainties, the illusions and the doubts that have brought us deceived to this calm sea. Our life rocks us, coming out to meet us, like that warm sun of the horizon that rises staining with light all that it caresses.My nerves are swaying, the rush and the calm, the waiting. The beats that at times give me away, that at times make me doubt if I'm still alive, rock me. I rock the hope, that contained joy that sees beyond where our eyes reach. And among a skein of thoughts, I notice that you are coming up my back.I deflect your gaze so you can not read in my eyes that 'already', although I have not asked for it yet. That 'already', although we are so accustomed to resist, that we do not notice that the forces sometimes lack us. That 'already' although you still can not imagine it, although you still do not expect it.And sitting next to me, you pose with your eyes closed while the sun paints your freckles. In the distance, the remains of a stone shipwreck begin to appear and I know we are already arriving.To the deserted island to which we escaped to play to dream. To the place where our own comes to be born.
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